Friday, September 30, 2011

Singing in the rain

I was taking some photos in Balboa Park today with my friend Ted. It's not common for it to rain in San Diego, so we figured we'd take advantage of the opportunity.

I came home with my hair soaking wet, and devoured a hot chocolate. Such a fun day! Thanks for coming out Ted!

Friday, September 23, 2011


I am one lucky girl! Chris decided to surprise me with a new camera lens I had been lusting after for work (insert any other bad excuse here). My first non-kit lens! I put it on and snapped some quick shots tonight. Here are the first five shots I took. I skipped editing for now because they look so cool, I've never used a high-blur lens before! WARNING: This is a dog-heavy post. I have no other models in my house, Allie was not in the mood...

I can't wait to see how this will work out on the job tomorrow.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Can't wait to be king

We had been planning to see the Lion King since we saw the posters while seeing a movie about a month ago. As the time grew closer, we started a countdown. At least the new chalkboard is getting good use! (Chris looked at me like a crazy person when I hung it. He thought I just painted the center black for no reason!)

Yay for the Lion King, and bad movie theater photos! The best part? Everyone in the theater was in their 20s, and had seen it as kids in the theater.

It was so much fun laughing at things that flew over our heads so many years ago. Now I feel OLD!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A sneak peek...

I've recently taken off on a new adventure. With no professional experience, a local online magazine has given me the opportunity to be a photojournalist! I'll be interviewing small businesses/restaurants all around the city (ahem, free food!!), as well as covering a variety of smaller community events to conventions. I'm so excited to have this opportunity, I can't even put it into words. I started interviewing businesses this week, so here's a peek at some of my photos from my first two articles (A nautical parts shop and a vintage scooter store). They're not edited yet, and I'm waiting a few weeks to purchase a good lens so bear with me. Not bad for a hobby I started 6 months ago though.

PS. LOVE this cat. Her name is Scootie, how cute is that??

 Sidenote: This new position means I will be working 2 jobs for about 2 months (the photojournalist pay schedule is weird). Please forgive me if I am slow with blog posts. Ok, slower than I already am.

DIY Chalkboard

I've been meaning to do this for a while. Once I talked my mom into giving me an old frame I found in her garage, I knew it was perfect.

I felt bad ripping a "painting" out of such an old frame, but once I got it open I realized it was a print them had added texture to with clear paint. Guilt-no-more!

It was easy, just rip it open...


And assembled! Looks much better! I might re-do it in light gray now that I've had a few hours to look at it. I would have much rather done a fun color, but my kitchen it already black, white, light green and light brown. I don't need any more weird-ness in that mix.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A dream is a wish

My brother Casey (unexpectedly) came to stay with me for a week and a half. Eeek for unannounced guests! Luckily it was just him, so I didn't worry too much about not being prepared. We got a lot in while he was here, despite me working almost every day. We even made it to Disneyland! Here's a peek into our sibling adventures in the happiest place on Earth.

Sidenote: Now they'll definitely never let me in Club 33... I never had a shot anyway. People had no clue what we were doing/looking at!

There's nothing like acting like you're little kids again, just for a day. Even if it is 107 degrees (you can totally see how sweaty we are with Mickey, gross! ).